Author Archives: kineticprose

The House of Grit

GRIT. It’s an attitude, defined by courage, resolve, and strength of character, which embodies the indomitable spirit of UMBC.

The House of Grit

GRIT. It’s an attitude, defined by courage, resolve, and strength of character, which embodies the indomitable spirit of UMBC.

Rooms to Grow – Baltimore Foundery

It begins with a spark. A group of strangers gathers at one end of an old copper mill. The air smells of sawdust and machinery grease. Feet shift nervously as welding instructor Audrey Van de Castle instructs her students to

Rooms to Grow – Baltimore Foundery

It begins with a spark. A group of strangers gathers at one end of an old copper mill. The air smells of sawdust and machinery grease. Feet shift nervously as welding instructor Audrey Van de Castle instructs her students to

Earth Tones

On a heavy studio table in UMBC’s Fine Arts building, artist Lisa Moren spreads out a sheet of beautiful marbleized paper, all fine waves and feathering. But the delicate patterns and the classical images they evoke belie the artist’s main

Earth Tones

On a heavy studio table in UMBC’s Fine Arts building, artist Lisa Moren spreads out a sheet of beautiful marbleized paper, all fine waves and feathering. But the delicate patterns and the classical images they evoke belie the artist’s main

The Beats Go On

At his San Francisco museum, UMBC alumnus Jerry Cimino ’76 makes sure the world is still hep to one of America’s greatest literary movements.

The Beats Go On

At his San Francisco museum, UMBC alumnus Jerry Cimino ’76 makes sure the world is still hep to one of America’s greatest literary movements.

A SIRI-ous Mind

British writer and scientist Arthur C. Clarke once wrote that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

A SIRI-ous Mind

British writer and scientist Arthur C. Clarke once wrote that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

The Coolest Jobs You Never Knew Existed…

IT ALL STARTED WITH TONY. I got lost in UMBC’s Chemistry building (which is an easy thing to do), and hearing a strange noise, I stuck my head through a door I had never noticed before.

The Coolest Jobs You Never Knew Existed…

IT ALL STARTED WITH TONY. I got lost in UMBC’s Chemistry building (which is an easy thing to do), and hearing a strange noise, I stuck my head through a door I had never noticed before.

How To…

…in which we ask a sometimes silly question and get a whole lotta answer…

How To…

…in which we ask a sometimes silly question and get a whole lotta answer…

Kinetic Prose

…in which we make words into poems, poems into books…

Kinetic Prose

…in which we make words into poems, poems into books…

Know Your Worth

…in which we remind ourselves of why we cared so much in the first place…

Know Your Worth

…in which we remind ourselves of why we cared so much in the first place…

Edible UMBC

…in which we profess our love, via sonnet, for a certain chicken salad sandwich…

Edible UMBC

…in which we profess our love, via sonnet, for a certain chicken salad sandwich…

The Light Ekphrastic

…in which art + writing = new art & new writing…

The Light Ekphrastic

…in which art + writing = new art & new writing…

Early Risers

…in which we wake before dawn to greet Baltimore’s cold waters with UMBC’s crew team…

Early Risers

…in which we wake before dawn to greet Baltimore’s cold waters with UMBC’s crew team…


…in which we discuss warm philanthropic feelings within a cool, time-tested scientific constraint…


…in which we discuss warm philanthropic feelings within a cool, time-tested scientific constraint…

A Knock-Out Performance

…in which we are dazzled — and sweated-upon by — amateur fighters and fans…

A Knock-Out Performance

…in which we are dazzled — and sweated-upon by — amateur fighters and fans…

The Hours Are Ticking Past…

…in which we count down a timekeeper’s final moments on the job…

The Hours Are Ticking Past…

…in which we count down a timekeeper’s final moments on the job…